Tumultuor is the debut full length work for the Femina
Faber project, the brainchild of miss Paola Bianchi, one that fuses
gracefully electronic and industrial sonorities with ethereal touches
and enchanting lyricism, with texts in Latin that are a fantastic
vehicle for exposing her talents as a vocalist. Contrary to artists
that would first spring to mind when listening to Femina Faber, the
most obvious of which could be Qntal or Helium Vola, there's is here a
vast feel of avant-gardism in the musical backdrops to Paola's vocal
work, to the point, in fact, that these can not be considered much as
backdrops, but acquire a powerful role in the arrangements, surging to
the listener attention with equal strength as the vocals do. Although
alone in fronting the project, Paola enjoys the serious forward-looking
musicianship of Fausto Balbo and Marco Milanesio of DsosDne, 9cento9
and a034 and the outcome is a highly enjoyable work of
avant-etherealism that manages to titillate at once the romantic and
innovatory, oblique instincts that creep within most of us.
By Gianfranco Sciacca
Live report and Interview by Gianfranco Sciacca DARK LIFE